5" Scale Figures


The Walking Dead comic book series tells the story of the months and years that come after the zombie apocalypse. It follows a group of survivors, led by Officer Rick Grimes, who travel in search of a safe and secure home. McFarlane Toys' is excited to introduce a new line inspired by this hit comic book series, which was later adapted into the highly-acclaimed AMC television show.

"It’s not until Mike, Michonne's boyfriend, is bit by a zombie that Michonne discovers the true nature of the zombie epidemic. A bite is a death sentence! Michonne quickly realizes that Zombies don’t attack other Zombies and uses Mike as camouflage and protection against the hordes of the undead awaiting her in this new world. Michonne’s Pet Zombie features 17 points of articulation and includes a neck collar & chain, tear off arms & jaw, and push in/ pull out intestines. "

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McFarlane The Walking Dead TWD Michonne's Pet Zombie 5" Action Figure Comic S2

  • CA $18.00
  • CA $14.90

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